
芝加哥市, 非营利组织, and private organizations are accepting grant applications from businesses and nonprofits. If you are interested in growing your business check out some of the opportunities below and open grant funding.

芝加哥市 Nonprofit Capacity Building Program

芝加哥商业事务和消费者保护部门(BACP)启动了芝加哥市非营利能力建设计划(NCBP)。. 该项目旨在为芝加哥地区的非营利组织提供精心策划的指导和教育项目,以支持非营利组织获得资金, funding, and other resources to counteract the effects of the pandemic. 

  • Workshops: Held weekly, 研讨会提供了一个与同行和主题专家联系的机会,讨论具体的组织挑战.

    • 即将到来的事件: 

      • 撰写城市/政府合同的技巧

        • 9月1日星期五下午12:00(由GAGDC主持)

        • 9月8日星期五下午12:00(由GAGDC主持)

        • 9月15日星期五下午12:00(由GAGDC主持)

        • 9月22日星期五下午12:00(由GAGDC主持)

        • 9月29日星期五下午12:00(由GAGDC主持)

      • 合同执行 

        • 9月6日星期三上午11:00(由WBDC主办) 

        • Wednesday, September 20th @ 11:00 AM  (hosted by WBDC) 

      • Government, Corporate, Foundation and Major Gift Development 

        • Wednesday, September 6th @ 12:00 PM (hosted by GAGDC)

        • Wednesday, September 13th @ 12:00 PM (hosted by GAGDC)

        • Wednesday, September 20th @ 12:00 PM (hosted by GAGDC)

        • Wednesday, September 27th @ 12:00 PM (hosted by GAGDC)

      • Vouchering 

        • Wednesday, September 13th @ 11:00 AM (hosted by WBDC)  

        • Wednesday, September 27th @ 11:00 AM (hosted by WBDC)  

  • 一对一咨询: A one-on-one meeting with a subject expert who can help you with specific grant application issues. 

For support registering for these opportunities using the 非营利组织能力建设吸收表, please contact Nonprofit Capacity Building Coordinator, Julia Riley, at julia.riley@lrvcc.org



BoardLead is the signature program of Cause Strategy Partners. 他们的网络旨在帮助您的组织结识有才华的董事会成员,他们热衷于帮助您推进使命,同时还能获得治理资源——所有这些对非营利组织来说都是免费的. 通过在BoardLead平台上创建引人注目的董事会成员招聘简介,减少董事会开发过程中的摩擦. 向公司和潜在的董事会候选人展示你的非营利组织,以吸引你所寻找的人才的多样性和深度. Experience a faster and easier way to attract and elect exceptional new board members. They vet potential board members for cause alignment and readiness to serve, 培训他们为董事会提供有效的服务. They also vet the companies candidates work for to ensure values and mission alignment.

For 更多的信息 and to apply for the BoardLead network: http://causestrategypartners.com/boardlead 


Capital One Café has meeting rooms available for nonprofits to book, free of charge. 您可以直接通过LiquidSpace门户网站预订这个专门为非营利组织和学生团体提供的免费会议空间. 这个房间本身最多能容纳八个人. 

如欲预订此座位,请按以下连结: http://liquidspace.com/us/il/chicago/capital-one-chicago/meeting-room-2?StartTime=&ReservationStart =&WorkspaceCapacity =&Amenities=&SpaceTypes = 0&ReservationMethod = 0&SortOrder=0&ReservationLengthMinutes = 60&src = srp # wp-hourly 


Forefront is Illinois’ statewide association representing both grantmakers and nonprofits, 还有他们的顾问和盟友. Their mission is to build a vibrant social impact sector for all the people of Illinois. 他们提供教育, advocacy, 思想领导, and facilitate collective action around issues that are important to their Members and to the sector. 对于一个完整的日历的前沿事件: http://myforefront.org/events/ 


  • The Evolution of Family Foundations – Tuesday, September 12th @ 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM

    • Join the September convening of the Philanthropy Club of Illinois. 你对家族基金会了解多少? 你还有什么不知道的?

For grant-seekers, family foundations are often inaccessible and unknown. 我们的小组成员每个管家一个家庭的世代资源,并寻求通过他们的服务和合作伙伴关系体现他们的慈善目标. 他们将与我们分享他们对该部门演变的看法,包括对社会和全球变化和危机的反应, 他们的家人想要的结果, 以及他们作为领导者的进化. 带着你的问题来吧!

详情及报名: http://myforefront.org/event/the-evolution-of-family-foundations/ 

  • 周四公共政策:伊利诺伊州财政部长 & the Nonprofit Sector: Public-Private Partnership Series, 第一部分(网络研讨会)-周四, 9月21日上午10:00 - 11:00 

    • 在一系列计划中的活动中,我们将与代表伊利诺伊州管理和支持非营利部门的宪法办公室的官员会面.

The Illinois State Treasurer’s Office will showcase key programs like the Charitable Trust Grant Program, Bright Start, 安全的选择, 无人认领的财产, 及慈善信托顾问委员会, 并解释这些项目如何以实际的方式支持全州非营利企业和客户的经济安全. 学习如何利用这些资源, best practices for applying for Charitable Trust grants, 以及财政部长办公室如何与司法部长和国务卿等其他宪法办公室互动,以影响我们的部门.

详情及报名: http://myforefront.org/event/the-illinois-state-treasurer-the-charitable-trust-how-do-they-support-the-nonprofit-sector-webinar/ 



2023年9月21日至22日上午8:30 -下午5:00. IMPACT House,前沿会议室,200w. Madison St., Chicago.

AFP筹款基础课程为新的筹款人——那些有四年专业经验的人——提供了有效实践的构建模块的密集介绍. 来设计这个16小时的课程, 经验丰富的筹款专业人士发展了AFP的入门课程,以解决非营利组织每天面临的现实需求和挑战.

This paid intensive program will provide an overview of skills, techniques, 还有为有0-4年筹款经验的个人准备的项目,或者为经验丰富的筹款人准备的“回归基础”项目.

http://www.afpchicago.org/index.php?选择= com_jevents&任务= icalrepeat.detail&evid=529&Itemid=114&year=2023&month=09&day=21&title = afp-fundamentals-of-fundraising-course&uid = 5 d7d0e856032c42d149687fc09b5603a 

Allstate Foundation Nonprofit Leadership Center, Nonprofit Management Essentials 

This program was developed for emerging nonprofit leaders and those new to the sector. The content is designed to broaden awareness across a breadth of management topics in a flexible, 在线提供. Learn from faculty and practitioners and apply these nonprofit management essentials to your position. 非营利组织管理要点由好事达基金会全额资助,并由凯洛格商学院非营利组织管理中心的内容提供支持. 





Awesome基金会是一个不断发展的全球社区,致力于转发宇宙中Awesome的兴趣. Created in the long hot summer days of 2009 in Boston, 基金会分配1美元,000 grants, 无附加条件, 给项目和他们的创造者. 在每个完全独立的章节, 这笔钱是由10个左右自组织的“微型受托人”的金库汇集而成,并以现金形式预付, check, 或者金币. 




We give you two-month, cost-covered, intensive training designed by founders for founders. 我们才华横溢的研究人员和企业家团队将为您提供最佳的循证干预,并帮助您找到完美的联合创始人. 学习慈善基础知识, 比如变化理论, 测量与评价, 成本效益分析, fundraising, 程序设计, 战略规划, 在现实的合作项目中.




C2C连接地方政府, tribes, 电力公司, and community-based organizations with national laboratory experts and customized, cutting-edge analysis to achieve clean energy systems that are reflective of local and regional priorities.




In 2023, 库克县将向为库克县居民服务的社区组织提供高达500万美元的能力建设赠款. 起始整体补助金将提供高达100美元,向希望建立内部能力和发展基础设施以促进组织健康的小型组织提供2万美元, 增长和可持续性.

The grant opportunity is open to community-based organizations in diverse sectors, 包括艺术及文化, 社区与经济发展, Education, 卫生与公共服务部, 和预防暴力. 要符合资格, organizations must have non-profit status and an annual operating budget under $1 million. 这项计划超越了传统的为组织提供服务的赠款,并允许他们专注于加强他们的运行方式.

For 更多的信息 要查看 过去的信息会话记录,请访问库克县网站. 



Equitable investment in neighborhoods cannot happen without the leadership of community-based organizations. 这意味着这些组织需要获得的资金只关注于组织的状态,而不是它的项目和计划. 灵活资金计划向黑人和拉丁裔社区的组织提供三种不同类型的“灵活”美元.

获得灵活拨款支持, 该组织必须由黑人或拉丁裔领导, and its work must align with the Trust’s Catalyzing Neighborhood Investment strategy. 


伊利诺伊州艺术委员会机构-艺术家 & Live Music 


Artstour & 现场音乐为符合条件的伊利诺伊州非营利组织提供支持,以展示伊利诺伊州的表演艺术家, companies, 或团体表演, 合作, or short residencies held in conjunction with performances. 本计划不能用于支持已经获得演讲者学科项目资助的组织的常规系列活动. 



Application Deadline: Monday, October 2, 2023 @ 5:00 PM 

小企业改善基金(SBIF)为整个城市的永久性建筑改善和维修提供赠款资金. 由规划及发展署提供给工业及商业楼宇的租户及业主, SBIF grants are funded by Tax Increment Financing (TIF) revenues in designated TIF districts citywide. 

项目参与者可以获得赠款,以支付改造工作费用的30%至90%, 最高资助额为150美元,商业地产为000美元,250美元,工业楼宇为000. The grant, which is administered by SomerCor on the City’s behalf, does not have to be repaid.

了解更多关于 资格要求 or register for the upcoming information webinar on Wednesday, September 6th here



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